Stop the Retirement Rip-off: How to Avoid Hidden Fees and Keep More of Your Money
Unless employees are willing to complain and protest to their employers, they are likely to face less money in their 401(k) accounts or having to work longer to accumulate the funds they need for retirement. According to author David Loeper, even a small company plan, with about 25 employees, could easily set up a plan with less than 50 basis points -- 0.5 percent -- in total annual costs. That savings adds up to huge differences in your plan balance over a 40-year career. This book provides the necessary tools for readers to take action and make the most of their retirement plans. It offers a road map for employees to understand the fees and costs, document the excesses in a presentation to management, then organize themselves to protest and, if necessary, bring the documentation in a complaint to the Labor Department. Product Details
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